Sunday, November 4, 2018

Body as Friend

Body as Friend

I’m learning what this quote means more and more every day. 

Here’s the thing --- we could curse the body for what it can’t do, for what it used to be able to do and stopped doing, OR – we can appreciate the body for its amazing capabilities.

I had heart surgery almost a year ago.  I’m not as strong as I once was.  I don’t have the endurance I had a few months before surgery.

But my body still works.  My heart still beats.  My mind still works, and at times it seems there is more focus than before.  Imagine that.  I am convinced that the anesthesia changed me in ways beyond my understanding.  However, I’m coming back.  It took me six or more weeks after surgery to be able to concentrate enough to write my first blog.  It was like pulling teeth.  I tried to write for a few weeks before that, and the thoughts just would not form.  I cried, I cursed, I bemoaned my losses. 

In time, my mind and body came back on line. 

I think in some ways, I’ doing a better quality of work than before surgery. 

I have had to relearn how to talk to my body.  I had to reframe my thoughts and see my body as my friend. 

My heart still beats steadily.  My blood still flows, and in a better way.  My muscles are weaker, yet I have learned a new tempo to my life.  Tempo isn’t always about speed.  We drummers have a hard time understanding that one.

Bottom line – my body is my friend.  I think kindly of it.  I talk to it as a best friend.  I avoid the put-downs, the negative belittling of what once was. 

I’m getting along just fine with this new frame of mind.  My body is simply saying … “I’m coming back.  I’m not what I once was, but I’m better than I was a year ago.”

And I hear it whisper … “Thanks for being my friend.”

This is my
morning reflection.

P Michael Biggs
Words of Hope

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