Friday, January 29, 2010

Help Us to Pay Attention

During my growing up years in Tennessee my Dad was a minister. Most of those years were spent in Lewisburg, Tennessee in a church that my father helped establish and he, along with others in town actually built the building.

I have some fond memories of those times and especially the people. Some of those individuals left important marks on my character and early development.

One in particular was a gentleman named Uncle Ed. Uncle Ed was an elderly bachelor gentleman who attended our church. I don’t remember a lot about his background, as he was an older man by the time I began remembering him, but I do remember he was very faithful to the church in attendance and support. He was there every time the doors were opened, meaning Sunday morning, Sunday evening and Wednesday night prayer service.

Uncle Ed always sat on the third pew from the front on the left side, and he would sit sideways, facing to his left, with his arm on the back of the seat and his head down. At times we thought he was nodding off to sleep, but he would find ways of letting us know that he was paying keen attention all of the time.

On one particularly hot July Sunday night, my Dad was preaching about women’s dress of the day. In an effort to make a particular point Dad said,

“I tell you the women’s hem lines are getting higher and the neck lines are getting lower!”

Uncle Ed popped up and said, “Amen, Lord. Help us to pay attention.”

That’s a funny story, and it begs to be dealt with, doesn’t it? “Help us to pay attention!”

As a parent, we pay attention to the nurture and development of our children. Who and what are the influences on their lives? What are their eating habits? Sleep patterns? Are they playing safely? Do they look both ways before crossing the street?

In a dating relationship the questions get more interesting. To whom am I attracted? What about personality and looks? Where will we live? What boundaries and guidelines will we abide by in our relationship?

During my single years, after my divorce, I was dating a woman and I had hopes that some day we might get married. I knew we weren’t exactly clicking in every way and I knew we were treading in troubled waters much of the time, yet I still held on to the dream of us one day resolving our difficulties and making our lives together.

I shared some of our relationship struggles with a very good friend whose opinions and judgments I highly valued. At one point in our conversation he asked me “Michael, what are you pretending not to know?” That is a sobering question. It’s another way of saying “Are you pay attention?”

On the job there are dozens of norms to which we must pay attention. What is the start time? What about breaks? What is considered reimbursable expenses? How much vacation time do I get? What is the culture of the work place and of the company for which I work?

To be a loving husband, I pay attention to my wife’s tone of voice. I notice if she is a bit down emotionally and find ways to lift her spirits, or at least listen and let her express herself.

We can only hope economists, bankers and others in financial power positions are paying attention to this current recession and recognizing the causes and cures for it.

Proof readers have to be extra diligent in paying attention to do a proper job of editing and correcting the written word for mass distribution.

When dealing with people are we noticing their body stance? Do they look interested or are they turned away from us as if they wish to escape? Do they look at you, a little or a lot? How close or far apart do they stand from you?

By now, I’m sure you get the point.

I have had some moments in my life when I wasn’t paying enough attention and I’ve had to pay a price for those lapses. Can I see a show of hands on that point?

Two nights ago, on my way home from work, I narrowly missed ramming into the automobile in front of me because I was not paying attention. Thankfully I looked up in time. (I know, don’t text on your cell phone and drive.)

“Help us to pay attention!”

A prayer
A thought
A motto
A way to live

Michael Biggs is a speaker, writer, speech coach and vocal soloist. He lives in Edmonds, WA. with his wife Carolyn. His company is called Up-Words, “Offering Hope, Encouragement, and Inspiration One Word at a Time”. He is available to speak to your business or organization. Please contact him at 206-349-1888 or email him at

Friday, January 22, 2010

ASPIRE -- A Book Worthy of Your Time

When I find a book that rocks my world I like to tell my best friends about it. Welcome to my inner circle of best friends. The book is called Aspire, Discovering Your Purpose through the Power of Words by Kevin Hall. I finished reading it a few days ago; yet I’ll never be finished reading this powerful gem. You are going to have to read it for yourself. Here is a taste of what you’ll find in these 238 pages.

We are introduced to eleven powerful words, four of which were new words to me. The remaining seven are common enough words, but in Kevin’s hands they become change agents for challenging thoughts and behavior relative to these words and how we view those close to us.

Kevin also suggests that we send each of these words to people within our sphere of influence, share the meaning and how that individual demonstrates the particular character trait of that word. I have been doing this and am amazed at the responses I’ve received from my recipients. I encourage you to try this for yourself. You’ll almost certainly lift someone’s spirit.

Some of the words you’ll encounter are:

GENSHAI (pronounced “GEN-shy”) means that you should never treat another person in a manner that would make them feel small, and that means yourself. (Page 9)

NAMASTE (pronounced “nah-mah-STAY”) says “I salute the Divine within you; I salute your God-given gifts. (Page 41)

SAPERE VEDERE (pronounced “sah-PARE-ay veh-DARE-ay”) declares that a person knows how to see. Another way of saying this is “believing is seeing”. (Page 90)

OLLIN (Pronounced “All-in”) if you are an “Ollin” person this means you “move and act now with all your heart.” (Page 185)

Kevin also takes a simple, familiar word like “Inspire” and turns it into a whole new way of thinking about our day-to-day interactions we have with other people. Allow me to quote a few passages:

“Inspire is to breathe into. I can breathe life into the spirit of others.”

“From this day on I resolve to leave every person I meet better for having met me.” That is a worthy declaration, and one by which I want to live.

Kevin quotes Maya Angelou with this: “I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”

I love that! I’ve been reflecting on that one comment for a week now. I have recounted countless esteeming thoughts I’ve received in my lifetime.

Unfortunately, I’ve also recounted a few less than esteeming words that have been tossed my way. I think Maya was right. Even in those non-esteeming moments I’ve never forgotten how some of those words made me feel.

To whom can you and I offer words of esteem, encouragement and hope this very day?

“When you ‘encourage’ you add to someone’s heart.” (Page 134)

Enjoy this book. Let it strengthen your personal and business relationships. May it give you some new insights into these important and powerful words.

And always, always remember this …

“People will never forget how you made them feel.”

(To purchase your copy of Aspire, go to my bookstore link and add Aspire to your shopping cart. The link can be found in the right hand panel at the beginning of this blog.)

Michael Biggs is a speaker, writer, speech coach and vocal soloist. He lives in Edmonds, WA. with his wife Carolyn. His company is called Up-Words, “Offering Hope, Encouragement, and Inspiration One Word at a Time”. He is available to speak to your business or organization. Please contact him at 206-349-1888 or email him at

Thursday, January 14, 2010


I took two years of typing class during my sophomore and junior years of high school. Our teacher was an eccentric older gentleman named D. W. Seay. He taught my brothers and sisters before me and I was lucky enough to have him as my teacher. What a valuable skill he taught me.

I mentioned that he was eccentric. He would often come out to our class and begin talking about a particular point having to do with good business practices and then get side-tracked and talk endlessly on other subjects completely foreign to the original topic. We loved it because it made the class hour zoom by and it was sometimes humorous.

He also had some persnickety rules for us to abide by. One was that when we approached his office, we were required to knock on his door handle, not on the wood side of the door itself, as this would get oils on the door and more quickly deteriorate the wood finish.

One day, I was typing on an assignment and needed a better word for the passage on which I was composing. I properly knocked on the door handle, he beckoned me in and I stated my plight. I told him I was searching for a word that was better than the word “stick-to-itiveness”. Without batting an eye he suggested the word “pertinacity’. I had never heard that word before, and I took his advice and used that word.

Pertinacity! Resolute, determined, purposeful.

It also suggests “sticking power.” There is a song in the Disney children’s movie Beauty and the Beast sung by the character Gaston. They use the phrase “Screw your courage to the sticking place.” I love that.

That means we have staying power, sticking power, fortitude to see to the end whatever we set out to accomplish.

How is your pertinacity? Do you have staying power?

People who write books have pertinacity.
People who aspire to become the President of the United States exhibit pertinacity.
Lance Armstrong had pertinacity to overcome his cancer and win the Tour de France bicycle races.
Abraham Lincoln had pertinacity.
Victor Frankl had pertinacity to endure the Nazi concentration camp for three grueling years.
Mother Theresa was the epitome of pertinacity in order to accomplish her important mission of demonstrating compassion to the world.
Runners who complete marathons have pertinacity.

Any great and worthy achievement is a monument to the spirit and attitude of pertinacity.

You go get ‘em! Show your pertinacity.

And “screw your courage to the sticking place”!

Michael Biggs is a speaker, writer, speech coach and vocal soloist. He lives in Edmonds, WA. with his wife Carolyn. His company is called Up-Words, “Offering Hope, Encouragement, and Inspiration One Word at a Time”. Michael’s business experiences include Director of Sales and Director of Marketing in music publishing, Regional Director for Sylvan Learning Centers, and retail sales/management, and sales success in insurance and real estate. He is available to speak to your business or organization. Please contact him at 206-349-1888 or email him at

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Three Feet from Gold - A Great Read!

There is a new book out called Three Feet from Gold by Sharon L. Lechter, CPA and Greg S. Reid that is a “must read” for those of us who desire to accomplish great and important things with our lives. Written in story-book form, this book is based on the success classic Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill and succinctly captures the essence of many of Mr. Hill’s principles. Let me share with you ten of the nuggets found in this remarkable new book.

The most common cause of failure is quitting.
(Lechter et. al, p. 21)

To succeed you must have stick-ability.
(Lechter et. al, p. 26)

Never make a major decision in a valley.
(Lechter et. al, p. 33)

A dream is just a dream until it is written down. Only then does it become a goal.
(Lechter et. al, p. 34)

Focus on your people more than your profits.
(Lechter et. al, p. 71)

Every wealth creator is crystal clear about two things: a vision and a mission.
(Lechter et. al, p. 105)

People doubt their beliefs,
But believe their doubts.
Believe in yourself,
And the world will believe in you.

(Lechter et. al, p. 124)

You must believe it before you can see it.
(Lechter et. al, p. 127)

Never let mistakes define who you are.
(Lechter et. al, p. 171)

Don’t quit five minutes before the miracle happens.
(Lechter et. al, p. 199)

The authors interviewed many of today’s most successful people and gleaned these nuggets from their conversations with these icons in today’s business and professional world. You’ll hear from sports legends, business experts, entertainers and a great host of others who have made their mark by successfully following a set of principles laid down by Mr. Hill and others before him.

If you only read one book this year, I suggest that you choose this one. With more than sixty such nuggets included in this book, I’ve included only ten that most inspire me. This is the kind of book that I’ll read at least once per year for years to come.

To order your copy, visit the Up-Words Bookstore link featured on the right hand side of this blog at the top. Three Feet from Gold is on page one of my book listings and can be ordered simply by clicking on the book and adding it to your shopping cart.

Happy Reading!!!

Michael Biggs is a speaker, writer, speech coach and vocal soloist. He lives in Edmonds, WA. with his wife Carolyn. His company is called Up-Words, “Offering Hope, Encouragement, and Inspiration One Word at a Time”. Michael’s business experiences include Director of Sales and Director of Marketing for three music publishing companies, Regional Director for Sylvan Learning Centers, and in retail sales and management, insurance and real estate. He is available to speak to your business or organization. Please contact him at 206-349-1888 or email him at