Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Uncertain People

Uncertain People

Are you an uncertain person?  It’s okay if you are.  Most successful individuals and almost all pathfinders are uncertain people. 

Think about that for a moment.  At the very heart of uncertainty lies an explorer. 

“Where are you going” we ask. 

“Out there somewhere.”

“And what will you find?”

“I don’t know for certain.  I’ll know it when I see it.”

It’s the thrill of discovery that pushes them along. 

Think of the vast team of individuals who helped Neil Armstrong walk on the moon.  They were uncertain about a lot of that experience.  Oh my, they had their mathematical formulas, their slide rules and their hopes and dreams, but there was a huge amount of uncertainty bound up in all of that speculation.  And one fine day, a once uncertain Neil Armstrong walked on that heavenly body we call Earth’s Moon. 

When I started blogging, I was uncertain if I would garner a following.  After all, I was yet one more voice in the blogging world and I was a nobody.  Nine and a half years later and six blog sites later, I’m approaching 500,000 clicks and am read in over 130 countries.  Scary?  You bet.  Glad I am doing it?  You bet.

I hope you find the courage to face your uncertain opportunities when they come along.  You can be assured of a few things.  Someone somewhere will tell you you’re crazy and it can’t be done, at least by you.  You’ll talk yourself into and out of that dream a hundred times before you launch it and before it becomes a success. 

But launch it you must. 

Go ahead.  Show us that the uncertain can really become certain.

This is my
morning reflection.

P Michael Biggs
Words of Hope

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