Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Trusting the Smart Ones

I’m waiting. 

And watching.

And trusting some people who are smarter than I. 

I have to trust them, for they are the trained
ones, the skilled ones, the studied ones. 

Last week my doctor told me to quit work, for it was interfering with my preparation time for surgery in December.  That was a tough order for someone like me who has worked at some job since age 12 when I mowed lawns.

Instead, my job now is to “work” on myself, take care of myself, so I can be in the best shape possible for my surgery in December.

And so, I trust these wise ones.  I believe in my cardio doctor.  He has studied … he knows the right treatment, and he has a whole team of smart people around me who want me to get better.

My cardio doc trusts my exercise specialist, Peggy, who has worked out a routine for me to follow every day, and I trust her, and I follow it.

And I trust my wife who plays a major role in my meal prep, and my love and support team.  I am feasting like a king – and my diet does not include bacon and nachos, fatty foods and high sodium ingredients.  I am well-fed, well-medicated, and well-loved.

They are getting me ready for the ‘big’ event. 

And I trust myself to their care, knowing they are the smart ones.

Oh yes, I trust God also. He is with me at all times, awake and asleep. 

This is my morning reflection.

Words of Hope
Encouragement Inspiration
One Word at a Time

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