Thursday, May 18, 2017

Even When Afraid, We Speak

Fear is the enemy.  What is it that Franklin Roosevelt said?

“The only thing we have 
to fear is … fear itself.”

And when we are afraid, we still speak.  We still put our hand to the task and we do the thing we are called to do - the thing that burns inside of us that calls us. 

We have no guarantees that anyone will listen.  We don’t know if we will sell even one copy of our project, yet we do it. 


Picture this … there sits a cage, and the door is standing wide open.  Inside, there is a man who has been locked in this cage for decades.  Oh, he has dreamed of freedom.  He has longed for the door to his cage to be sprung wide so he can ‘escape’.  And now the door opens.  And now freedom is steps away.

Will he take the first step toward freedom?  Will he come out of his ‘comfort zone’ and breathe the air of new possibilities, new opportunities?

He is afraid, and he doesn’t even know of what he is afraid, because he has never ventured from this ‘cage’ of his understanding.  But come out he must.  Come out he shall, for it is his time and his moment to do the new, to go where he has never gone before.

Are you afraid to go and be and do?
What if you just did it? 
Planned it?
Dreamed it?
Promoted it?
Did it?

Oh my, that is the stuff of which dreams are made.

I’m doing that even as I write.  If you’ve followed my blogs for long you have read of my desire to be a writer for thirty years.  For eight years I’ve been producing blogs, words of hope and encouragement, and it has been quite a ride.

Now, I launch a major speaking event.  No one came and asked me to do this.  I had to craft the speech. I had to ask to be allowed to present, and then to create the promo pieces. 

And in one week I’ll do a major presentation.

The fears … they are manageable.  And in the middle of my fears, I shall speak.  And it will be an evening into which I will pour my whole heart into.

What an exhilarating ride!!!

I hope you are finding your voice even in the middle of fear. 

We want to hear what you have to say … and you may say it through painting, music, a business venture or some other medium.

Speak to us!

Words of Hope
Encouragement Inspiration
One Word at a Time


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