Friday, June 28, 2013

What Blocks Forgiveness

Some people will never forgive another’s faults – but God always will.

Some people will hold a grudge forever – but not God.

Some people are reticent to accept forgiveness when offered, and all the while God is standing by, with arms wide open, inviting, offering grace, and willing to receive us. 

Consider this:

What blocks forgiveness is not God’s reticence but ours. God’s arms are always extended.  We are the ones who turn away.
What’s so Amazing about Grace
~Philip Yancey

We tend to beat up on ourselves.  We tend to talk down to “self” and call ourselves demeaning names like
    Low life

Yet, when we look at the images of God in the scriptures we see the open-arms of God.  We see God calling to us (Zacchaeus), searching for us (the lost coin), and running to us (the Prodigal son). 

Sometimes, we humans do a great job of wallowing in our misery.  We love to drown our sins in the mud of our sins.  All along, God is saying “come to me, rise up and walk, neither do I condemn you”, and other incredible words of grace and forgiveness.

When do we begin to believe the incredible grace that God offers? 

Grace does not depend on what we have done for God but rather what God has done for us.  Ask people what they must do to get to heaven and most reply, “Be good.”  Jesus’ stories contradict that answer.  All we must do is cry “Help.”

Reach out today.  There is abundant grace available for you and for me. 

God not only loves you, He likes you a whole lot.

P Michael Biggs
Offering Hope
Encouragement Inspiration
One Word at a Time

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