Saturday, June 6, 2020

Keep Throwing Darts

Keep Throwing Darts

Figuring out life is the GREAT challenge for all of us.  And now, at my ripe old age of 71 I have come to this conclusion. 

We keep throwing darts at the dart board.  The goal is to hit the bull’s eye.  I rarely hit the bull’s eye, but I kept throwing.

It took me a while to figure out what my real magnificent obsession in life was.  I’ve chased many obsessions.  To name a few …
~A great minister of music
~A producer of musicals and dramas
~A great drummer
~A stellar business man
~President of a certain publishing company by age 45
~Minister to ministers of music
~Writer of best-sellers in the motivational and self-development vein
~A great encourager
~A great music clinician
~A world-famous orchestral director

Oh, there have been other pursuits along the way.  And where have I ended up?

It hit me one day that in all of my pursuing, in all of the dreams I chased, the one thing I kept coming back to was this … I simply wanted to help people.  I wanted to encourage people. 

I accomplished that in some ways through many of these pursuits, and for that I am grateful.  However, once I settled on my major chief aim in life, my magnificent obsession, I feel I began to make some real progress in my own sense of self-fulfillment and had a sharply defined focus of how I wanted to spend the rest of my life. 

I believe that was the day I quit throwing darts and began focusing on the one talent in my hands and in my heart that mattered most.  I began focusing on ways to benefit mankind, to help and encourage mankind.  I realized that many people I met had a great need for validation, self-esteem, self-confidence and to know that there was at least one other human being in this world who cared for them.

I must confess, it took a lot of dart-throwing to finally narrow my focus, my aim and see the bigger-than-life target for which I had been aiming all along.  I am very thankful I discovered this magnificent obsession.

Now, my friend, I turn to you.  Have you been throwing darts in search of a target, an obsession?  By all means, throw those darts.  Throw as many darts as you can.  Some will stick, some will fall off.  Some will hit dead center and some will miss by a country mile. 

And when that fine day comes, and you finally hit upon that one obsession for which you have been seeking, then stop throwing.  Look closely at what you’ve discovered, and set your cap for a fresh journey toward your life’s purpose.

And become that person you have desired to become.  Move in the direction of your dominant goal and dream.  It matters not your age, now how much money you’ve spent, now where you live, what your dress is, your language nor your favorite food.  The main focus for the rest of your life is this … how can I best serve mankind with this fresh focus of my attention.

That is graduation day, my friend. 


This is my
morning reflection.

P Michael Biggs

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