Saturday, July 6, 2019

Why Were You Born?

Why Were You Born?

Wow! I can’t believe I’m tackling this thought.  It is huge.  HUGE!!!
And so, in 470 words, here we go. 

I just finished listening to Melinda Gates’ book – The Moment of Lift. 
I don’t think Bill and Melinda would say, “We were born to create Microsoft.” 

As huge a success as that company is, I think their lives far exceed Microsoft.  For now, Bill and Melinda are doing amazing work around the world through the Gates Foundation.  They are changing lives, changing cultures, extending lives by providing health supplies, clean water, and fresh ideas on doing life in remote villages and large cities around the world.  Of course, Microsoft helped fund these projects, but for the Gates’, their lives are all about bettering others’ lives and providing solutions where there have been ignorance and traditional thinking, harmful as some of it has been.  They are doing an amazing work, through their partners and employees.  It is work that gives life!

I’ve had a few different careers in my lifetime.  In some of those jobs, I felt I found my calling, my life’s work.  I didn’t have the complete picture.  Yes, I was doing some good.  However, I needed to open my eyes a bit wider to see a bigger picture of what my life should be all about.  In a nutshell … my aim in life is to offer hope, encouragement and inspiration to mankind.  I do this mostly through the written word, and occasionally through speaking. 

Billy Graham was a man who knew why he was born.  He was the most focused, most dedicated, and best-of-the-best speaker/evangelist of the gospel of Jesus Christ.  He never wavered from his gifts nor his calling.  He knew why he was born and  knew how to go about fulfilling that mission.

Why were you born?  What beats inside of your heart and mind that drives you to get out of bed every day?  I hope you know that answer.

If not, consider this.

Know thyself.  Read some great books.  Spend alone time in thinking and considering your life.  What are your strengths?  What are your weaknesses?  What would you do even if you were not paid to do it?  Do you have supportive key people around you who can help you achieve your life’s ambitions?  Do you need more education?  Do you need new friends?  Do you read books?  Are they the right kind of books?  What is your self-talk?  Are you kind to yourself?  Do you believe in “you”? 

This is not a full treatise on this subject … just a starter kit.

Happy hunting as you search for your “One Thing” that is your golden ring.

This is my
morning reflection.

P Michael Biggs

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