Thursday, May 24, 2018

Real Power

Real Power

I am not as strong as I once was.  With age, my muscles have lost some of their power.  When I was a kid, my friend, Larry, and I worked out with some homemade weights we got from a local cast-iron shop.  I had visions of bulging muscles, biceps the size of Jack LaLanne.  (For those too young to know, he was a famous health guru and workout king in my childhood.)

Today, I know my power is not found in my muscles.  But I have found my power.  It is in knowing who I am.  Understanding myself, my desires, my core talents, and having a directional sense of what I want to do with the rest of my life.

That is a real power trip. 

And … I am a happy person.  There is, I think, real power in knowing that I am happy.  Not a lot of people seem to be able to say that.  That is powerful in and of itself.

And I have a sense of self-worth and a work that is highly fulfilling.  I still have my physical voice, my writing voice and my mind, and my beliefs, and those are, perhaps, the most powerful things about me. 

So, I’m capturing the best parts of me, and focusing on those elements. 

Tim Cook said it this way:

This is my
morning reflection.

Words of Hope

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