Monday, February 24, 2014

Can You See It

This saying was in one of my computer files.

If you can see it before you see it,
then you are almost assured to see it.

After a bit of mulling, I hope you get it.  Really get it.

Here are some people who saw it before they saw it:

Ray Kroc - Founder of McDonald's
Abraham Lincoln – Emancipation
Bill Gates & Paul Allen – Microsoft
Bill and Melinda Gates – The Gates Foundation
Jeff Bezos – Amazon
Mark Zuckerberg – Facebook

And let us not forget Walt Disney. 

During the opening ceremonies of Epcot Center in Orlando, Lillian Disney, Walt’s wife, was invited to the guest of honor spot on the platform.  At one point during the opening celebrations, Card Walker, then head of the Disney organization, turned to Lillian and quietly said, “Isn't it a shame that Walt didn't see this.”

Lillian turned to Card and said, “He did.  He saw every bit of this.  Why do you think this is here?”

The ability to see what your dreams will become is an important gift.  Every great enterprise, organization, church, government or university, first had its roots in the mind of some key individual.  That critical person had an inside view of what might be possible.  They dreamed, they envisioned, they planned and they foresaw what could become a reality.

What are you dreaming?
What is your mind’s eye projecting onto your subconscious and conscious?

For these reasons alone, it becomes more imperative that leaders become dreamers, and dreamers set aside time from time to time to work on the dream.  Flesh it out.  Give it color.  Determine how many stories high your dream will be.  What is its name?  Is it on First Street or Baltic Avenue?
What is the name?  It is a national or international entity?

Paint it first in your mind, and then some fine day you will paint it in living color.

Let’s revisit our opening question:

Can you see it?

P Michael Biggs
Offering Hope
Encouragement Inspiration
One Word at a Time

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