Friday, July 19, 2013

All the Help Available

Let me tell you my abridged version of a story I read this week from Harvey Mackay.

A six-year-old boy was digging in his sandbox when he hit a hard object.  The more he dug around it the more he revealed a rather large rock.  When he had uncovered enough of it he began moving it closer to the edge of his box.

He got to the edge and just could not lift or maneuver or use enough leverage to get the rock up and over the lip of his sandbox.

He began to fret.  His father heard him and came to see what was going on.

The son explained and then the dad asked, “Why didn’t you
use all the strength you had available?”

The young boy was confused, and in his defense he proudly stated, “But Dad, I did use all of my strength available.”

Gently, with great kindness, the father bent down and said, “No son.  You didn’t use all the strength available to you.  You didn’t ask me, and I am available to help.”

And with that the father reached down and easily lifted the rather large rock and tossed it out of the sandbox.”

End of the story, but the meaning never ends.

When we come to the end of ourselves perhaps there are those around us with stronger arms, or with resources to help us more easily manage the obstacles in our way.  Do we ask for help?  Do we seek others out? 

I love how Harvey ended this story.

“Don’t Say ‘No’ for the other person.”

And consider this …
Occasionally we get to be the helping hand.  What a trip that is – to do for someone who can’t quite do for themselves.

You can come up with a dozen opportunities where your helping hand just might make the difference for someone.  Will you and I dare to step up and help?

I believe we will.

P Michael Biggs
Offering Hope
Encouragement Inspiration
One Word at a Time

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