Thursday, March 29, 2012


If I said to you, “You are a winner.” how would you respond?  What would you feel inside?  What would you say that only you hear inside?

What trigger words would make a difference for you?
What words would you love to hear said to you about you?

Words abound in our lives.  The average man speaks over 7000 words every day and the average woman over 20,000.  That is staggering.

What about the “could be” words that we hear and read, words that speak to our nature, our soul, and our inner core?  What words have the potential of making a difference in your life, your mind and heart?

Ah, that is the heart of what I’m talking about. 

If I could speak Words of Could Be to you, here is what I would say:

-You are a great possibility in progress.

   -You have the potential to do whatever you desire.

      -Your future awaits you.  Move toward it with confidence?

         -You are SOMEBODY.

         -You are special.

       -You are important to God.

    -You have a touch of divinity inside of you.

-I see a spark in you that I find magical.

-You are never too old, too poor, too feeble,
   too clumsy, too uncoordinated,
   too ugly, to matter.

It all boils down to your response to and your belief in the words spoken to you.

But you have to believe in the words spoken. 

Do you believe?
Do you see yourself as worthy of a good word?

Today’s thoughts have no ready answers.  I don’t have a three-step program that needs to be followed in order to become accepting of wholesome and positive words.

But I would encourage you to read some good books.  Listen to some good and knowledgeable speakers.  Find mentors and learned men and women who are trustworthy, and have a spirit of helpfulness about them.  The last thing you need is another sermon, another put-down, or another negative comment telling you what is wrong with you. 

You DO need a good dose of up-words, words that are positive in nature and nurturing to your soul.  You need some source that will lift you up. 

There is an abundance of material available.  Seek it out.  Read and listen.  Take what applies to your life.

And above all

Above all believe in your own goodness, and your own self-worth. 

Believe that you are a POSSIBILITY IN THE MAKING.

1 comment:

  1. sometimes painful to hear positive words. Inside talk says, "used to be"...used to be significant, used to matter, God used to care.
