Thursday, March 15, 2012

Has Love Let You Go?

Has Love Let You Go?
Have you ever had a love that let you down?  I mean it just flat ran out the door and left you stranded?

I hope not, yet I live in this world as do you, and deal with people of the human kind and I know how we humans can be sometimes. 

But the love I’m talking about is of a different stripe.  I have a video I want you to watch at the end of this blog, so stay tuned.

Remember Mary Magdalene in the Bible?  Some historians say that she was a prostitute, a hooker, a street walker, but when she encountered the Christ, Mary experienced a whole new dimension of love.  It was a love that accepted and forgave her.  She wasn’t judged.  She was loved with a God kind of love.

After she washed Christ’s feet with some expensive perfume and dried them with her hair, He simply said “Go and sin no more.” 

Christ didn’t judge her.  He didn’t lecture her.  He didn’t put her down.  He didn’t call her names. 

He loved her.  He simply said, “Go, change your ways.”

This was a love that would not let her go.

Remember a story in the New Testament about a man named Zacchaeus?  He was a tax collector, a despised one in his day.  No one wanted anything to do with him.  He was looked down upon, and not just because he was short of stature.  He was a low life.  And he was cut off from social life because of his profession.

Yet when Christ walked by and saw Zacchaeus sitting out on a limb of the Sycamore tree, He invited himself to Zacchaeus’ house for dinner.  Christ actually wanted to spend time with him.  Zacchaeus was shown love that day, and it changed his life.  It was a love that would not let Zacchaeus go.

Remember the story of the Prodigal Son?  He asked for and received his inheritance early so he could go out and live a life of reckless abandonment.  He sought a life of wine, women and song, and he got all he asked for.

He basically said to his dad, “I want my money now, which means to me you are as good as dead.”

He took the money and ran.  He fulfilled every physical pleasure he could, and then it all ended. 

He ran out... 
He ran out of money.
He ran out of friends.

But mostly he ran into himself.  He realized what a sorry state he was in, and he did what everyone should do in that case.  He came home to his senses and to his Father, who still loved him.

Remember how the story ends?  “And when he was a long way off the Father had compassion for him, and ran to him, threw his arms around him and ordered the best robe, the best food.”

The father loved him. 
The father welcomed him home. 
The father treated him as a cherished child. 

The Father’s love never let go, never lost its grip, even though the son rebelled and wandered far from the embrace of the Father.

What a picture of God.

God’s love is continually reaching out to us.  It is a love that will not let us go.  It is a love that constantly says, “Come home to Papa.  Come to Abba.” 

That, my friend, is a love that will never let go.

Now, watch this 4:40 video.  Wear headphones to hear all of the nuances and musical colors. 

And remember to revel in the Love of the Divine!


1 comment:

  1. yup...been run outta town, too...but this IS my favorite hymn. Gets me every time!
