Thursday, June 2, 2011

Every Life Has a Story

Carolyn and I attended a memorial service today for the mother of a good friend.  The mortuary in which the service was held had this motto; “Every Life Has a Story.”

During the memorial service, Steve and his family shared different aspects of his mother’s life.  I kept thinking about this quote and reflecting on her story.  She lived a full and vibrant life all of her days on this earth.

Tell me your story.  I would love to sit down across from you and marvel at your story.  You have one.  You have good days, bad days, sad days, happy days.  You have funny moments, revelations, insights and experiences that I would listen to in wonder and awe.  Your story is speaking to people around you every minute of every day. 

What is your story?

Are you realizing your dreams from childhood now that you are older, or have you created new dreams?  Have you uncovered some new skills at this point in your life?  What story are you telling with the hopes and dreams you now hold?  Your story is the sum of your gifts, your interests, your code of ethics and your life experiences. 

-Are you thinking good thoughts?  Are they changing your life? 
-How is your God concept? 
-How is your relationship with those close to you?
-What are your ethics all about?
-Are you consistent in all areas of your life?
-Are the statements you make about your life true?
-Are you making good choices in life?
-Are you reading anything of value?
-Are you leaving good and lasting impressions on anyone?
-Are your footprints marking a clear path for someone else to follow?

Life is simply a matter of time invested, and those seconds and minutes turn into days and weeks and months.  And sooner rather than later, we see the end of our lives on the distant horizon and wonder at where we are compared to where we want to be.

All of this is adding to the story of our lives.

I am reminded of a Bible story.
“The master of the house called his servants together.  He was going on a long journey and he wanted to entrust some of his wealth to them. 

To one he gave five talents.  To another he gave two talents, and to the third he gave one talent, each according to his ability. 

And then he went on his journey.

Time passed.  When the master of the house returned he called his servants in for an accounting of what they had done. 

The one who had been given five talents reported that he had turned those five talents into another five talents, which he laid at his master’s feet.

The one who had been given two talents reported that he too had doubled his talents and he laid four talents before his master.

The one who had been given one talent hung back.  He didn’t want to give his accounting.
He said, “I know you worked hard for this money and I didn’t want to waste it, so I buried it in a safe place so that on your return I could give it back to you whole and complete. 

The master was not happy.  He said, “The least you could have done was invest it in the banks and let it draw interest.”  

The master wanted his servants to write some new chapters in the story of their lives.  He simply offered them opportunities.  Opportunities to add to the story of their lives.

We are writing our own story.  Every experience in our lives adds to this story.

Every life has a story. 

What a concept. 

I could tell you about all of my life’s accomplishments, but you wouldn’t be impressed.

Rather, I want to encourage you to discover or rediscover your dream, your passion, your life’s ambition, and complete your own story. 

I will share with you one part of my story yet to be fulfilled.  I dream that one day soon I will write the blog heard round the world. 

You read that right.  I want to write something that so resonants with people that they in turn will share this blog with relatives, friends and co-workers, who in turn will share it with their sphere until this yet unwritten blog goes around the world. 

Let me be quick to add this.  I don’t desire this for selfish reasons, but for the good of mankind.  My mission statement is this:  “Offering hope, encouragement and inspiration one word at a time.”  This is my desire, my passion and my focus. 

Now, that is a part of the story of my life.

What is your story?

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