Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Do You Think You're God?

Do You Think You’re God?

Once upon a time, a wise woman wrote this question and then the answer.

What’s the difference 
between God and you?

God never thinks he is you.
~Anne Lamott

Yes, Anne Lamott wrote that, and I’ve been pondering it ever since I first read
it.  It is in my blog log and I read it almost every day. 

If we are ‘thinking’ individuals, as I consider most of us, then we don’t need others doing our thinking for us, nor correcting us, and the list goes on.

I am on Facebook every day because it is a tool I use to help market my writing.  Occasionally I’ll buy a campaign in which I reach a market share outside my normal reach.  Honestly, Facebook could be considered a study in human sociology/human behavior.

The opposite side of my quote above is this – some individuals on FB, and in life, WANT to be God in our lives and do our thinking for us.  They want to do our voting for us, and they threaten to dismiss us from their universe if we don’t buy into their ideology, vote for their man or woman and believe what and how they believe.

In short – they think they are God.

And I say … God help us!

I have no idea how many people have de-friended me on Facebook and frankly, I hardly notice their absence from my life.  The point is this … I still get to choose my thoughts, my actions, and my own course for my life.  I actually have a God already who is very present in my life, and so I don’t need another pseudo-God. 

This is my morning reflection.

Words of Hope

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