Sunday, April 29, 2018

How Can I Be Used

How Can I Be Used?

This is a probing question, and a troublingly great one.  How Can I Be Used?

And we are applying this to our everyday world.  There is a lot of focus today on productivity.  Do you meet your productivity score?  Do you do what is expected and on time and under budget?

There you sit.  Here I sit, and I’m writing about how to be used.  It is not with one finger pointed to you, my reader, for if it was, three others would be pointed back at me. 

In the nine different careers I’ve had, I’ve managed to interpret my role in each one with a defining purpose.  The words for each were different, but they had a resonating theme.  I live to help people.  I live to touch mankind.  I do this mainly through writing my blogs and books, and giving talks. 

I got this idea … this burning desire, one Sunday afternoon while watching the movie Patch Adams.  Patch was called before the medical school administrator and was on the verge of being kicked out of school.  In a moment of passion and inspiration he said, “Sir, I just want to help people.”

Something snapped inside of me at that moment and I literally cried out, “That is me.  That is what I want to do too”

Now, what about you?  What do you see as a way and means for you to be used?  I’m not speaking of a one-time shot, activity, or event.  I’m talking of a day-in-and-day-out philosophy for life.

There are many avenues to travel in our search for living a meaningful life.  But what is right for you?

I will avoid the temptation now to list a string of possibilities for you to consider for I could never mention them all, and you would reject 99% of items on the list.

Just a few questions perhaps.
~Do you have a passion, a magnificent obsession?
~If money was no object, what would you do for a profession?
~When I do ______, I feel I am really being used. (Fill in the blank.)

When we answer these questions, then we are, indeed, on a good path toward living a life of purpose and usefulness.

This is my morning reflection.

Words of Hope

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