Saturday, April 25, 2020

Scratch an Itch or Embrace an Itch

Scratch an Itch or Embrace an Itch

I have a good and sturdy back-scratcher in my drawer, and I use it almost every night before going to bed.  I have learned to manipulate it to hit the itchy spots on my back.  An itch demands to be dealt with.

I’ve had other itches.  I wanted to drum like Gene Krupa and Buddy Rich, so I practiced, studied and listened to their drum licks.

I had the itch to write for over thirty years, yet all I did for much of that time was scratch the itch a few times.  Finally, I decided to embrace that itch.  Now, four books and a whole passel of blogs later, I suppose one could say I am a writer. 

See the point?  We ‘artist types’ ultimately have to embrace the itch, an idea, a proclivity.  We have to recognize the knock of a potential call and open the door to whatever that itch has to offer.

Oh, we may not be very good, at first, but with a bit of effort, and practice who knows what might happen? 

Got an itch?  Perhaps it’s time to embrace it.

(This blog is based on a quote from Seth Godin’s book – What to Do when It’s Your Turn.)

This is my
morning reflection.

P Michael Biggs

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