Thursday, September 8, 2016

Three Feet to Courage

Fifty years ago today, September 4, 1967, I left home to begin my college career.

My college of choice was Trevecca Nazarene College in Nashville, Tennessee.  I had spent the previous year pouring over the yearbook from TNC and memorizing names of upper classmen that I hoped to befriend.  I was excited is a grave understatement.  I was ecstatic to finally be headed to the college of my choice!

September 4 was a Monday.  I spent most of the morning packing my drums, my clothes and other personal items that I would be needing as I began college.   By the time I finished, my 1957 Chevy was jammed full with just enough room for me to drive and a clear view out the back window. 

After my Dad arrived home we enjoyed one last noon meal with my Mom and sister.  At 1:00 PM I headed to my new life as a college freshman.

I arrived on campus at 2:15 PM, and went through the line to get my dorm assignment – Room 317 in Tennessee Hall.  After unloading my clothes for the dorm, I headed over to the music building to put my drums away.

I then headed back to the dorm and proceeded to unpack my bags and put my clothes away.  After putting sheets on my bed I was finished.  Everything was in its place and I was alone.  Now what?

There was no one else in the dorm at that moment and I didn’t know what to do with myself.  I lay down on my bed and had the most overwhelming sense of loneliness and fear. 

I had a little conversation with myself.

“What am I doing?  Is this really what I want?  I’ve wanted to be here for a year, and now I’m here.  I have got to get out of here, but to where?”

My lonely thoughts paralyzed me. 

And then I continued, “If you are going to make a go of this college thing, you have to get off this bed and go meet people.”

It took me another ten minutes to make a move, and I finally found the courage to act.  I walked three feet toward the door.  Those three feet were the hardest steps I think I had ever taken in my life, and I kept going.  I walked three feet to the door and found my courage, and never looked back.  I headed down the hall and walked into my college career.

My first stop was the T-Room – the hangout place for students, snacks and sodas.  I stepped up to the soda machine and was digging around in my pockets for some lose change.  My jeans were rather tight and I had a bit of trouble getting the change out. 

Three students were at a nearby table and I could feel their eyes on me.  One of the guys yelled out, “Hey, there’s Ringo.”

Ringo was a TV character played by Tim Conway.  He was a bumbling, stumbling sheriff who got his gun caught on his holster every time he pulled it out.  I burst out laughing, walked over and began making friends.

I found my courage on that Monday in September.  It lay just three feet from my bed when I left the dorm and began walking toward my college life.

There have been many more moments in my life when I found it necessary to walk toward courage.  And a few times when I have avoided it.

How about you?  Are you walking toward courage?  Are you conquering your fears and going for what you want?

Perhaps a new job is just around the corner.
Maybe a restored relationship is just a phone call away.

You’ll never know unless you take those few steps toward courage. 

Have I always been courageous?  No, not always.  It took me about thirty years to launch my writing life. 

The important thing to note is this – courage comes when we make the first move.  We act first and then we find the strength to continue. 

For me, courage really was only three feet away.

How far do you need to go to find your courage?

Words of Hope
Encouragement Inspiration
One Word at a Time

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