Sunday, March 22, 2015

Where Do Small Steps Lead

I've watched three of our grand kids learn to walk.  You know the drill – the first steps are halting and uncertain.  And look at them today.  They all run and jump, skip and lead a full and active life.  Just last week I played Grey in some one-on-one soccer.  I remember his first steps.  He won our soccer game, by the way.

I started a new routine at LA Fitness a few weeks ago.  Now, 5 or 6 weeks later, I can run longer distances, the tightness in my leg muscles is lessening and I’m doing more.

I started taking Yoga about 2 months ago.  I have more flexibility, a stronger core and a general feeling of well-being after only a few weeks.  I can’t do all the poses and positions my instructor asks of us, but I do what I can, for as long as I can. 

Got the picture?

Small beginnings lead us places.

 It’s true for real estate agents, singers, speakers, writers, bankers, teachers, and mothers of new born babies, flight attendants and any other area of life you might consider. 

Small steps lead to slightly larger steps, and those lead to running marathons and winning races, improved circulation, lower blood pressure, giant companies and massive empires.

This just in … Starbucks started small and then grew.

~Einstein had to learn his times tables.
~Bill Gates got his start in designing tic-tac-toe games for computers, and after he and Paul Allen, founders of Microsoft, teamed up, they eventually graduated to the Altair 8800 mini-computer kit.  The impressive Microsoft Company came later, and its roots rested in those early days of their experimenting with computers and simple games.

Whatever your dreams are today, begin making those small first steps toward them. 

Small Beginnings Lead Us Places.

P Michael Biggs
Offering Hope
Encouragement Inspiration
One Word at a Time

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