Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Listening doesn't Mean Agreeing

An arresting title, wouldn't you say?  I am all about listening as a communication and human relations skill.  Don’t get me wrong.  However – HOWEVER – listening and agreeing can sometimes be diametrically opposed to each other.  I want to listen to you so that I can understand what you are saying and what your expressed needs are.  And I can still choose to hold onto my own thoughts and ideas on the subject at hand when all is said and done.

I recently heard this great story:

“If Henry Ford had “listened” to every opponent of the automobile he was building he would have created a better buggy whip instead.”

Be assured, I do want to listen to you.  Please allow me to still hold onto my own opinions and make my own choices after the fact.  That is all.  It doesn't mean I didn't listen.  It simply means I hold a different opinion or value from the one you presented.

This is one of those tough relationship essentials that some have difficulty wrapping their mind around.

Now, you talk.

P Michael Biggs
Offering Hope
Encouragement Inspiration
One Word at a Time

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