Monday, April 14, 2014

You Get What Everybody Gets

I was just awakened by Neil Gaiman.  He is a writer and speaker that I am coming to admire more and more.  Here is what disturbed my mind.

“You get what anybody gets 
– you get a lifetime.”
~Neil Gaiman

It boils down to the concept of “living between the dashes”.  The dashes are referred to when someone says this:  “He was born on May 1, 1980 and died September 15, 2012.  The period between birth and death are the dashes.

How we occupy this space on earth matters.  And the playing field is level in that we all get one chance at life to do the significant thing. 

My significant thing is to sit at a computer and look at a blinking icon until an idea strikes.  Once it does I begin filling the screen with words, phrases, sentences, thoughts, ideas.  Sometimes I hit a homerun, and my words seem to resonate with others.  Other times, they get ignored.  And I write some more.

What matters is that I discover what I am good at for this time on earth.  I have had several divergent career tracts.  Psychologist and sociologists tell us that today it will be normal for the average person to have multiple careers.  I’m just ahead of that curve for that trend.

What is your significant thing?
Where do your daydreams take you?

Sooner or later, I really hope you find and pursue your “thing”.  I really hope you find your niche, your peg and your “passion” and do that one thing.

I have no rules to offer, no list of ten things to do to find your “one thing”, or a best-seller on where to buy a kit to jump-start your “one thing”. 

All I know for sure … it is inside of you somewhere.

Dig it out.
Brush it off.
Ignore the Negative Nancy’s.

Do that “thing”.

“You get what anybody gets – you get a lifetime.”

Thought I was through, but this just came to me.

Don’t die with your music still inside of you.

Okay, I’m through.

P Michael Biggs
Offering Hope
Encouragement Inspiration
One Word at a Time

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