Tuesday, March 18, 2014

The Master Violinist

It’s story-time!
There once was a master violinist who had to sell his finely crafted violin. After selling it to the pawnshop he vowed to one day buy it back. 

Time passed. 

He saved his money and went to the pawn shop to purchase his violin only to find that it had been sold to a collector, who was to place his violin in a shadowbox to be hung on a wall. 

The violinist paid a visit to the collector and begged him to sell this once prized instrument.  The collector refused.  In desperation, the virtuoso asked, “Can I at least play my violin one last time?”

The collector agreed.  The virtuoso took his violin into his hands and tuned the strings.  As he played, the sweet, expressive sounds filled the room.  The collector’s heart was softened and he agreed to sell the violin back to the master musician. 

He said, “How can I deprive the world of the beautiful music that this fine instrument offers.  This violin cannot sit in silence.”

Moral:  Are you sitting in silence?  You are as valuable today as that old violin, and you still have your music inside of you.  What might it sound like?  What might it look like? 

And we’re not just talking about music.

I know some very fine ministers whose voices once filled auditoriums, and now they are relegated to the “retired” lot in life.  And they still have a voice.

I know some individuals who once managed large enterprises, and now they are looked at as if they have two left feet.  Their minds still work, and yes they have “old school” ways, and sometimes “old school” ways still work.  Bottom line – they are still valid individuals seeking a chance to make a contribution. 

Perhaps your mission in life now is to offer a word of hope or encouragement to someone and you can use a pen and paper, a telephone, an email, or a personal visit.  Maybe you can use your automobile to take someone for a cup of coffee and great conversation. 

The point - The POINT is to find ways of letting your music be heard.  Age is nothing but a number.  Beauty is found in one human connecting with another for the mutual benefit of both parties.

Yes, your voice has changed, or your fingers aren't as dexterous as before, yet the desire to BE still beats inside your heart. 

Find your voice once again.  Exercise your skill, and perhaps, perhaps you’ll resonant once again with another human being and this world will be better for your contribution.


P Michael Biggs
Offering Hope
Encouragement Inspiration
One Word at a Time

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