Monday, December 9, 2013

Why Santa Claus

What exactly does Santa Claus have to do with Christmas? 

Stay tuned … there’s an answer coming.

The legend of Santa Claus comes from many sources.  The earliest legends originated in the fourth century in the form of Saint Nicholas of Myra, a Greek Christian man known for his generosity to the poor.

Many mentions of Santa Claus have appeared in Germanic lore and other northern European religions that thrived before Christianity took hold.
Our American version of Santa Claus seems to have come from a Dutch legend about Sinter Klaas, which settlers brought to America in the seventeenth century.  America embraced the idea of Santa Claus, who was said to deliver gifts to good boys and girls on Christmas Eve.

To many of us, Santa Claus embodies the spirit of giving.  We celebrate the nature of Santa Claus during the Christmas season by not only giving gifts to loved ones but by also donating time and money to charities.  It is the spirit of giving that embodies the legend of Santa Claus.
P Michael Biggs
Offering Hope
Encouragement Inspiration
One Word at a Time

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