Monday, August 19, 2013

Do You Know What You Want?

A story:

One of my favorite books is The Winds of War by Herman Wouk.  In this book, Mr. Wouk recounts a scene in which General E. J. Tillet, military author and one of the commanding generals for England during WWII, is speaking to the main character named Pug Henry.  Tillet is making an observation about Hermann Goering.

He said this:  “He’s wasted a whole bloody month bombing harbors and pottering about after convoys.  He’s only got till September the fifteenth.  His mission is mastery of the air, not blockade.  Define your mission!  Define your mission and stick to it!”  

I love that.  It speaks volumes to all of us.  Without a mission in sight what are we doing?  Without a vision of what we want and where we want to go, where are we going?

In the book Three Feet from Gold by Sharon L. Lechter & Greg S. Reid, we find this thought in chapter ten: 

“The man who actually knows just what
he wants in life has already gone a long way
towards attaining it.”

I’m in love with the whole idea of defining our mission and knowing what we want out of life. 

A personal story:
I’ve talked about being a writer and speaker for over thirty years.  And for much of that time it was only talk.  I did publish a few magazine articles along the way, but kept the idea of publishing a book at arm’s length.  I just would not commit to a title and subject to pursue this dream.

Time passed.  I began blogging.  That led me to a defining mission statement, which is:

And that has ultimately led me to my first book to be published in September 2013.  The book is titled The Letters, and will be in all major distribution systems.

Now, with clarity and certainty I have a vision of my dream in living color, with a handle on it, a focus for my dream, and a plan for its accomplishment.

Be encouraged.  Your dream is waiting for you too.  Give it thought, paint it, picture it, color it, and name it. 

You will be amazed at the steps that begin to reveal themselves once you take the first step.

P Michael Biggs
Offering Hope
Encouragement Inspiration
One Word at a Time

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