Tuesday, May 6, 2014

I Believe in Hope

In a world when all seems hopeless, I believe in hope. 

One might ask the question – “but why?” 

I once worked in an office and frequently saw a sign posted around that said – “Hope is not a strategy.”

It may not be a strategy, but it is important, for when a person loses all hope, they see themselves as out of options, which leads to a desperate state of mind, and in a desperate state of mind, I fear where our minds might take any of us on any given day.

Hope is a candle flame that burns softly, yet gives warmth and light, and just might show the next step along the way.

Hope is a kind word of encouragement, given at low ebb, which allows one to hold on for one more moment, one more hour, or perhaps one more day.

Hope is an optimistic feeling that there is always one more move, one more play that can be tried.

Hope keeps us up late, seeking the yet to be discovered answer that has thus far eluded us.

Hope keeps saying “I love you” even though we feel love is dying.

Hope leads to faith, and faith believes that all is not lost, and there are forces at work even now, to bring about resolution.

I believe in hope, because I believe in my future.

I believe in my future because I believe in a great and merciful God.

P Michael Biggs
Offering Hope
Encouragement Inspiration
One Word at a Time

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