Monday, April 21, 2014

Do We Pray Wrong

A million prayers are said every day.  Probably more.  And what if most of those prayers are said wrong? 

At least that is what a lot of people fear.  They fear that they are doing this prayer thing all wrong. 

You wanna know what I think?  Keep reading.

This guy starts us off on a good step. 

“Prayer requires faith to believe that God listens.”
~Philip Yancey

It is a simple matter of faith that God is up there somewhere and He is actually paying attention to our mundane and muddied life.

Anne Lamont says this:  “A great prayer – ‘help.  Enter this mess.’”

And He does. 

God is much more interested in us than we allow ourselves to believe. 

Anne also says:  “God can handle honesty, and prayer begins as honest conversation.” 

Believe it or not, God can even handle a prayer like this:  “I hate you.”
Or “Why would you allow something like this to happen?”

He is not put off with our human emotions boiling over or rising to the surface.  He will guide us to answers and reasons, and sometimes He just listens and holds our hand in the middle of the crisis. 

God does not mark you down for wrong praying.  He does not grade you for getting it wrong.  Actually, there is no such thing as a bad prayer.

So call out, scream if you must, cry, moan, groan, rock back and forth, kneel, stand, sit, lie down or any other posture your body likes to assume and let it flow out. 


He hears every word.
He captures every intent of our thoughts.

“Prayer requires faith to believe that God listens.”
~Philip Yancey

P Michael Biggs
Offering Hope
Encouragement Inspiration
One Word at a Time

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