Friday, January 16, 2015

The Uncertain Pathfinder

There is no such thing as a certain pathfinder.  The very nature of an explorer is that they embrace uncertainty.  They live for the thrill of discovery.  The unknown is what propels them. 

~Uncertain pathfinders walk on the moon. 
~Uncertain pathfinders start out as bicycle makers and end up making an airplane.
~Uncertain pathfinders write books, blogs, movie scripts, and cookbooks.  

~Uncertain pathfinders build great computer companies. 
~Uncertain pathfinders make a better chocolate chip cookie. 
~Uncertain pathfinders deliver a different sermon in a different style and lives are changed.

~Uncertain pathfinders create the never-yet seen and the as-of-yet unheard musical style.
~Uncertain pathfinders are sales men and women, introducing their products or services to fellow citizens of all strips, nationalities, languages and interests.  They dare to meet and greet and present in hopes of making a connection.

Allow me a personal reflection.  When I started blogging in October 2009, I was fearful as to whether I would be able to sustain this blog site with enough worthy ideas.  What if I ran out of creativity?

Today, I own six blog sites and have four published books.  My problem now is trying to contain all of the ideas for writing that come my way.  Ideas scream out to me from my reading material, from personal conversations and from TV, sermons, news sources and the average person on the street.

Tonight, when the time came to write this blog, no strong idea had come to my mind.  I started down the now familiar uncertain path in search of an idea.  After an hour of concentrated thought and editing, here is where we end up. 

Are you a pathfinder?  The very nature of a pathfinder is one who discovers, often for the thrill of discovery. 

Pathfinders want to see what they have never before seen.  They wonder and follow the itch to faraway places and spaces.  And they write, and follow the thread of an idea just to see where it leads.  They wonder.

Where will your wonder take you?  What will you discover on your uncertain path?

P Michael Biggs
Offering Hope
Encouragement Inspiration
One Word at a Time

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