Thursday, May 26, 2011

You Are Enough

Your life is speaking to you.  What is it saying?

Oprah Winfrey aired her last show this past week.  We watched it. 

I marvel at the influence this woman has had on so many people for twenty-five years.  She doesn’t hold a ministerial license.  She is not a doctor of anything that I know of, yet she is and has been one major player in so many people’s lives.  She has touched the heart-strings of America. 

I want to recap a thought that she left us with in her last TV appearance.

She said, 

“You alone are enough.” 

That one concept makes me stand up and shout “YEAH!

Oprah said, "We block our own blessings because we don’t feel enough.  We don’t feel good enough or pretty enough, worthy enough, rich enough.”

The world teaches us that.  Does it seem to you that everywhere you turn someone or some institution is always trying to find fault with you? 

I worked for a retail company who made a big deal out of that fact that the employees always needed coaching.  We could have an incredible week or month in sales, yet there was always something that they could find fault with. 

What a tragedy!

That mentality pervades society today. 

When are we ever enough?  Even at my absolute best, is that enough?  Am I ever good enough?  Handsome enough?  Pretty enough?  Slim enough?  Do I make enough money?  Do I walk right?  Sit right? 

The list goes on.

Oprah went on to say this:  “You are worthy because you are born.”

Wow!  I love that.  “You are worthy just because you are born.”  I want you to grab onto that concept and think about it, believe it, internalize it and live like somebody of worth. 

You are a worthy individual. 

You are enough!

Your life is speaking to you.  What is it saying?

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