Thursday, May 27, 2010

I'm Not Through Knowing You Yet

I’ve had the good fortune to live a bunch of places in my lifetime. I’ve met and gathered a great host of friends in every place I’ve lived. I keep in touch with at least one or two people in each of these cities.

When I lived in South Carolina, I directed music for a church, and there was a sharp young couple who started attending our church by the name of Jay and Michelle. Jay was a young medical student at a nearby university and we began the beginnings of a good friendship. Soon after our paths crossed I was offered and accepted a position which moved me to Dallas, Texas.

I’ll never forget the card Jay and Michelle gave me just before I left. They wrote some nice words that were esteeming, but closed the note with this phrase, “I’m not through knowing you yet.”

I love that! Sometimes, people come along and you just can’t get enough of them, in a good way, of course. You just click on so many levels. You find yourself inviting them over for coffee, or going out to breakfast, and sharing life in a hundred other ways.

Unfortunately, sometimes life takes us to other places and other experiences and interrupts these friendships. With truly great friendships and relationships I often find myself thinking and sometimes saying, “I’m not through knowing you yet.”

I have college friends from long ago, and I feel that way about some of them. I wish I would have known then what I know now about friendships, building relationships, and the significance of a true, lifetime friend. We left college and went our separate ways and I wasn’t through knowing them yet.

There are some friends of mine that have so endeared themselves to me that when we do occasionally get back together it’s like no time has passed, and we pick up our lives from the first moment we see each other and go on from there. That is rich! That is the art of friendship at its finest.

Facebook is a wonderful thing for reconnecting with friends and acquaintances. We can get back in touch, unravel life’s twists and turns and restore and begin again the dance of friendship and cherished relationships.

Your bank account may be large or small, but how big is your friend bank? Reach out to someone today, some long forgotten, rarely seen friend, and restore and reinvent the relationship.

I love this quote by Emily Dickinson: “My friends are my estate.”

So, my friends, come back and let’s sit for a spell. I’m not through knowing you yet.”

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