Saturday, December 31, 2022

What Is Your Path for This Year

 What is Your Path for this Year

Morning Notes

It is New Year’s Eve. Tomorrow is a do-over, so to speak. A new year, a blank page. We start fresh.

I like new years. I like the hope they bring. I like the opportunities to be experienced.

And I love to think about what might be in this coming year. And so, I start with a few questions that need pondering.

Can my life get better than it is at this current moment? Perhaps a question before we answer this one – do I want my life to get better (whatever better means) than it is now?

And what about my health, my wealth, my mental and emotional life. And of course, my career, if a person is still gainfully employed.

Allow me to use the metaphor of Life in 2023 as on a path. This path will have a multitude of hills, valleys, bumps, smooth patches, growth moments and leisure moments. Are we out for a stroll or are we driving with an objective destination?

I know people in sales have fresh quotas to meet. Most businesses will have new goals, new emphasis on important measures, and have a magic number in mind for the end of 2023.

My retired friends, on fixed incomes, have a different path, a more level road to follow. Their income won’t change much, but they have some bit of input into their health and how to spend their income.

So, back to these ponderable questions.

Question: Do I like my life as it is now? Am I happy? If I were to make a change of any type, what would it be?

Question: How is my health at this moment? Am I into an exercise routine or do I need to start one? Am I under a doctor’s care or do I need to be? And do I have a medical team in whom I have great confidence? AM I willing to listen to them and follow their instructions? This is a big question in my opinion.

Question: How is my career life? Do I like what I do? Do I respect the people around me at work? Am I esteemed? Am I considered a worthy part of the team? Do I have a solid future doing what I’m doing for the next foreseeable few years?

Question: Am I a growing person in whatever activities I will enter into this year? If I’m still working, how much better can I be as an employee or boss? If I’m retired, am I partaking in activities that bring life and zest to my soul and mind?

Question: How do I treat others? Am I an esteeming person? Do I build others up, or am I the ‘fixer’ who goes around correcting and telling others their faults on how to do their lives better.

Question: If you are the boss, what kind of boss are you? Do your employees trust you? Do they have your back if you need it? Are they willing followers, or reluctantly submissive subjects who need constant prodding?

Question: What am I doing to feed my mind? Am I a reader of books and life-enhancing material? Whom do I follow as thought leaders either in my field or in the world in general? Do I form my own opinions or accept the regurgitated verbiage of others? Whose opinions do I allow to have power over my own? What kind of thinker am I?

Question: What are my thoughts about myself? Do I like myself? Do I approve of myself? Do I believe I am a person of worth? Can I see myself accomplishing anything of worth in the coming year and years of my life? Am I a contributing member of society?

Question: What are my views on God and the spiritual concepts that are in play? You are charge here, and you get to form your own thoughts and ideas in the realm of God and spirit world.

These questions will give you a lot to chew on for a while. This is no easy task and should not be undertaken lightly. And if you are a life coach, perhaps you’ll use these thoughts as conversation points in working with some of your clients.

May the path you travel in 2023 lead you to new discoveries, new thoughts and perhaps a new and improved you.

Morning Notes Blog Site

P Michael Biggs Hope~Encouragement~Inspiration

This is my morning reflection.

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