Thursday, June 18, 2015

God Sucks

Jimmy turned toward me.  His beefy face, stale cigarette breath and thick-lensed-glasses were just a mere 5 inches from my face when he said these words.  I was a college kid, working afternoons in a Kroger grocery store in Donelson, TN. 

I was a good little Christian, attending a Christian college nearby.  Jimmy and I had had a few conversations about God in the past, and I knew he had some rather severe points of view about God that didn’t exactly jell with my own thoughts, and I had prayed for him a time or two in days gone by.

On this particular Thursday night, I guess I pushed a wrong button in Jimmy and that is what caused this outburst.

“GOD SUCKS” he said, and he stretched the words out, and emphasized the last word a bit more strongly.

I don’t know what happened to Jimmy.  A short time later I left that store, and never saw him again.  Down through the years I’ve pondered his words.

My point is this …

God has survived Jimmy’s words about His character.  My idea of God has survived Jimmy’s and other’s assault on God as I know Him. 

Can you handle that?

God is not diminished by any one person’s rants, ravings, chants, Bible burnings, even church burnings and the martyrdom of believers around the world.

God’s nature is still intact. 

God has survived the rights and wrongs of your life and mine.  He has survived the ugly scars that might decorate your body, and He certainly has survived all the thoughts, good and bad, that have traveled through your mind and mine.

And God is surviving all that is happening in our world today.  The news paints a dismal picture, but God is still rising above it all.  He is not diminished in any way.  His power of redemption is not stopped at any border, or by any gun or sword that is raised in protest.

This post is really about our view of God rather than the things that are despairingly said of Him.  He survives it all, and in His time of choosing, He has acted and will continue to act as serves His greater purpose and timeline.

Allow your God concept accept that.

Can you and I allow God to be God and trust that He is working all things for the good?

Even though we may walk through the valley of the shadow of death, God is with us.  That is a hard and fast promise I trust.

A confession:
I used that title simply to suck you into this post.  And if it brings you enlightenment, that is good.  The story is true.  Jimmy is his real name and he was a real person. 

The rest of the story is still being written.  I think God wants to stretch our confidence factor in Him.  The world can distort, confuse, blame, condemn and cast out God in whatever forms or rules it chooses to use, yet God is not diminished.  His hand is not shortened.  His power is not limited in any way.

That is the message I leave with you for now.

In Revelation 1:8 we find …
I (God) am Alpha (the beginning) and Omega (the end).  I am the one who is, who was, and who is to come – the Almighty One!

Do we trust?

P Michael Biggs
Offering Hope
Encouragement Inspiration
One Word at a Time

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