Monday, December 31, 2012

I Saw Grace Today

I saw grace today. It showed up in two unexpected places. 

A homeless man was in a coffee shop in Seattle when a kind woman approached and gave him a new pair of jeans.  He had on his only pair, and now he could have a wash day and clean one pair while wearing his new second pair.  This man received grace today, and our anonymous lady gave because she chose to give.


I saw grace today in a retail store.  A store manager, a nice man of forty-one gave a sale to one of his sales team members simply to help his associate hit his monthly quota. 

That too was amazing grace. 

Neither of these gift givers was forced to give.  They could have walked on by, ignoring the situations.  Instead, they gave from a self-less heart.  They gave hope.  They gave acceptance, and they gave grace.

I want to look for moments when I can offer grace to someone in 2013.  Will you join me?

P Michael Biggs
Offering Hope
Encouragement Inspiration
One Word at a Time

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