Thursday, August 6, 2015

When the Fit Shouldn't Fit

Have you heard some of these saying?
  Fits like a hand in a glove.
    Fits like two peas in a pod.
      They go together like Mutt and Jeff.
        Like jam and peanut butter.
When things fall in place it is like magic. When two pieces or two people fit together, you can see and sense the harmony at play. I love that.

I want to tell you a true story from when we lived in Nashville.

When I was four, my Mom and Dad were getting all of us ready to go to some event on a Saturday afternoon. Mom got me ready and then left to attend to one of my other siblings.

I stayed in her room and was looking over her dressing table. I found a box of plastic snap-together pearls that I just couldn’t resist. For some unexplained reason, I wanted to see how many of those pearls I could stick up my nose. I got three pearls up my nose before I decided I’d better stop and remove them or face the consequences.

I was able to remove two of them, but the last pearl was jammed in too high. It was lodged far up my nostril and I could not get it out.

Mom came back into her room to give me one last going-over before we left for our event. As was her habit, Mom used a hair pin to clean my ears and nose. When she put the bobby pin up my nose, she heard a click. She pushed a bit more and mused to herself, “What in the world?” She tilted my head back and saw this shiny orb starring back at her.

She called out to my Dad, “Jay, come here!”

Dad called back, “What’s the matter Mother?”

“There’s something wrong with Mike.”

Dad came, shined a flash light up my nose and saw the shinny pearl. He asked, “What have you done boy?” I had to tell.

He took me immediately to the Dr. Jackson’s office on the corner just across from our house.

Dr. Jackson laid me out on the examination table, shined a light up my nose and began pressing and probing on my nose.

All of a sudden he pulled on my arm and jerked me up off that table and put his hand under my mouth and the pearl rolled onto his outstretched hand.

That was amazing.

Years later, here is what I take away from this story.

Just because it fits, doesn’t mean it fits. Those pearls fitted perfectly in my nose, but they didn’t belong in my nose.

How many times have we tried to make things fit just because “it would be nice”, or “it looks so great on me”, or even “but I like her, she’s pretty”.

Sometimes we make things fit, like jobs, because “it is such a great company,” or “it’s in a great city and we have always wanted to live there.”

My friend Kris went to work one day with a brown shoe on the left foot and a black shoe on the right. They both fit his feet, but they didn’t “fit” from a fashion standpoint.

I read Strength Finder recently and took the assessment test on line. Now I have a better idea of my own personal skill set that fits me perfectly.

I’ve had some amazing careers already, yet my favorite is this writing and speaking thing that I do. It fits me perfectly.

What works for you? What fits your life and interests?

I hope you are making good choices, not forced choices, but good ones. And always remember this

P Michael Biggs
Offering Hope
Encouragement Inspiration
One Word at a Time

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